Friday, December 14, 2007

Dec 15 Update

We are practicing from 10-12:00 noon in the UU facility on the 15th. There was not enough interest in the San Deigo Tourney in January so that trip has been cancelled.

We will be changing our team assignemnts in January to create a "Varsity" squad and a "Rising Star " squad. This format is similar to most of the summer tournaments formats. The main difference is the "Varsity team is our most competitve squad and includes current seniors. The "Rising Star squad is restricted to underclassmen.

We will be doing evaluations of players over the next four practices and will identify these rosters in Mid January. These teams will each compete in two tourneys this Summer.
Rising Star: Vail June 17-20 & Park City June 26-28.
Varsity: Park City June 23-25, Vail June 29-July 2.

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