Thursday, October 11, 2007

7 v 7 Tourney, Oct 13

We will open registration for the Team Utah 7 v 7 tourney at 9:30 AM Saturday morning on the turf at Westminster College. Team Utah U-17 and U-19 members members must be present and check in by 9:45 to reserve a slot on a roster. After 9:45 any of your friends may sign up to play and fill remaining slots on the rosters.

There is no additional cost for current Team Utah members and a $15 fee for guest players (Space available basis)

The games will start at 10:15 and will continue until 3:00 PM.

Guest players must have a copy of the Westminster College Waiver form signed by a parent or guaurdian and USL membersip # and expiration date to participate.

Team Utah members who will be arriving late due to conflict with other responsibilities must e-mail Coach Goodhand with their expected arrival time to be able to join the fun midway thru the day.

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