Saturday, October 20, 2007

Sept 20 Practice cancelled.

Bad weather has done it again. Cancelled today, SATURDAY the 20th. See you next Saturday at Westminster College at 10:00 AM- 12:30 AM.

Don't forget the meeting Monday night for players who want to travel to Seattle in December or NH in Novemeber. See the earlier blogs below.

Coach Mase

Travel Event Meeting for NH and Seattle

On Monday October 22nd, at 6:15 PM there will be a parent / player meeting for U-17 & U-19 team members interested in participating with the squads traveling to New Hampshire (Nov) or Seattle (Dec). It will be held in the Special Events Room at the Westminster College Health, Wellness and Athletic Center, (HWAC) The meeting will last less than one hour. (directions to campus and a campus map available at

Details of these two travel events will be presented. Those unable to attend, who wish to get information should contact Coach Goodhand prior to Monday night.


(801) 832-2359 (o) (801) 897-0795 (c)

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Practice at Westminster College

The Team Utah U-19 and U-17 teams will practice simultaneously:

Saturday Oct 20 from 2:30 - 4:30 & Saturday, Oct 27 from 10:30 AM - 12:30 PM at Westminster College.

Please don't bring any beverage except water on the field.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

7 v 7 Tourney, Oct 13

We will open registration for the Team Utah 7 v 7 tourney at 9:30 AM Saturday morning on the turf at Westminster College. Team Utah U-17 and U-19 members members must be present and check in by 9:45 to reserve a slot on a roster. After 9:45 any of your friends may sign up to play and fill remaining slots on the rosters.

There is no additional cost for current Team Utah members and a $15 fee for guest players (Space available basis)

The games will start at 10:15 and will continue until 3:00 PM.

Guest players must have a copy of the Westminster College Waiver form signed by a parent or guaurdian and USL membersip # and expiration date to participate.

Team Utah members who will be arriving late due to conflict with other responsibilities must e-mail Coach Goodhand with their expected arrival time to be able to join the fun midway thru the day.